How To Repair Potholes And Patches On Bituminous / Asphalt Roads

Maintaining asphalt roads is essential to prevent further damage and costly repairs. Potholes and worn areas need prompt attention to avoid water seepage and more severe failures.

Surface Patching

Surface patches are a temporary fix. Here’s how it’s done:

  • Mill the damaged area, removing degraded material.
  • Ensure aggregate size is at least three times the maximum size. Using a 3/8 or 14-inch aggregate helps.

Pothole Repair Using Cold Mix Asphalt

Cold mix asphalt is a temporary solution when hot mix is unavailable. Advantages include:

  • Works at low temperatures.
  • Can be stored for up to six months.
  • Remains flexible due to longer cure time.

Infrared Heater Patching

This method is quicker and more cost-effective. It involves heating the asphalt and reworking it:

  • Infrared heaters heat the asphalt to a depth of 2 to 3 inches.
  • The existing asphalt is compacted after reworking.

Mill Patching

For superficial damage, mill patching is an option:

  • Mill two inches off the surface around the pothole.
  • Replace with compacted asphalt.

Dig-Out Patching

The most extensive solution:

  • Remove all asphalt around the hole (6’x6’ minimum).
  • Regrade the aggregate base and apply four inches of new asphalt.
  • Compact the asphalt for a long-lasting repair.

Patching with Spray-Injection

Semi-permanent method for small pavement flaws:

  • Clean the patch area with compressed air.
  • Apply a tack coat of hot asphalt emulsion.
  • Force aggregate and hot emulsion into the patch.
  • Apply a dry coat of aggregate on top to prevent tracking.

Provide Unwavering Support

For full-depth patching, ensure solid support:

  • Remove material for proper depth.
  • Excavate at least one foot around the repair area.
  • Use dense-graded hot mix asphalt for backfill.

How to Repair Potholes in the Road

Follow these steps for effective pothole repair:

  • Remove dirt and debris from the pothole. Avoid mixing old and new pavement.
  • Heat the pothole to remove excess moisture and soften the area.
  • Reshape the pothole.
  • Apply hot mix asphalt.
  • Compact to join old and new asphalt.
  • Allow time for settling and remove debris.


Selecting the right contractor is crucial for quality repairs. Consider the contractor’s experience, customer satisfaction, and repair technique. Obtain multiple quotations and request references from the past year. A skilled contractor ensures a durable pothole repair.